5 Super Simple Ways to Burn More Calories at Your Desk

If you spend your days at work sitting at a desk, the thought of burning extra calories throughout the day may have never entered your mind.

Heck, your only goal at this point is to cruise through the day without succumbing to any temptation - like the office vending machine, catered lunch or your co-workers infamous "snack bowl".

Then, that's when it hits you - how can you actually burn any calories while you're attending meetings, shifting through papers and jamming away on your computer until it's time to clock out?

Burning Calories at Work is Actually Very Easy

Well, that's not something you hear every day, is it? Believe it or not, burning a few extra calories at work is actually a heck of a lot easier than you think! It can be done with minimal effort, helping put your body into a bigger calorie deficit and pushing you closer to your weight loss goals.

Your day job takes up the bulk of your day, so you might as well take advantage of the time you have and make something out of it. With a few simple changes to your current daily routine, you will be able to melt an additional 100 calories or more from your frame - every single day!

Yeah, and you thought sitting at that desk all day would wreck havoc on your new fitness routine. It's time for you to send those thoughts right out the window!

Get into Shape at Work with 5 Simple Changes

Are you ready to transform the way you journey through your regular workday to help you torch those extra calories? Just take a look at this list of 5 simple and easy changes you can make to help you lose more weight and destroy your body fat - all while you work the day away!

#1 - Kick Your Chair to the Side

Sitting at your desk for days on end can not only get boring, but it can also start to deteriorate your posture. Before you know it, you're back is starting to hunch over and lower back pain eventually becomes "the norm". That's when it's time to get vertical.

What to Do:  Kick your chair to the side and stand up at your desk instead. Do this between 40 minutes and 1 hour per day. You will give your lower back some relief and will enable your body to burn up to 100 additional calories. Not bad for spending 1/8th of your day getting vertical, right?

#2 - Climb Your Way to Better Health

If you work in a large office building, you are probably used to climbing in an elevator. Sure, it's convenient, fast and easy. The only problem is that you're missing out on a prime opportunity to turn up the heat and shed some of those unwanted calories.

What to Do: Stop taking the easy way out and learn to make the stairs your new friend instead. Not only will you burn more calories throughout the workday, but you will also improve your cardiovascular health and increase your stamina, making it a win-win situation!

#3 - Change Your Office Setup

Who wants to walk down the hall to grab a document off of the printer when you can use a printer on your desk instead? It's easy and more convenient to have office equipment on your desk or within reach, but it will leave you "chained to your desk" throughout the day.

What to Do: Get up and get moving around. Start printing to a printer down the hall. Use the fax machine on the opposite end of the building, rather than the one closest to you.
The math is simple - the more steps you get in per day, the more calories you burn. This is downright easy to do and your body will thank you for it.

#4 - Take Advantage of Your Breaks

Like most people who working in a traditional office setting, you have your fair share of breaks (if anything, you at least get the chance to sneak out to lunch for 30 minutes). Unfortunately, most people use this time for all of the wrong things. They eat at their desk or hop in the car to drive to the nearest fast-food joint. Neither is good for weight loss.

What to Do: Take advantage of this time to get up and get moving. Grab a light lunch and eat it while you walk around the campus of your office complex. When the weather permits, go outside for a brisk walk. You'll be getting the best of both worlds - fresh air and a little exercise!

#5 - Burn Calories with a Balancing Act

As mentioned previously, sitting an in office chair day after day can eventually start to put some wear and tear on your lower back and your posture. Why take the risk of developing lower back problems when you can do something to change your posture and burn calories instead? It's time to put a special "balancing act" to work!

What to Do: Stop slumping in your office chair and grab a stability ball instead. You will be "forced" to keep your body stable, thus helping you correct your posture. Of course, you will move around a lot more in order to keep your body stable, which ultimately kicks your body into calorie burn mode!
It's easy, it's fun and it's simple to do. You will literally burn calories without changing any other dynamic other than what you actually sit on!

Small Changes Lead to Big Results

Working at a desk all day doesn't have to be an obstacle. Flip your thinking around and make the best of it and you'll burn off more calories than you ever imagined. Just give these changes a chance and you will see how much of a difference it makes in your life and overall health and fitness goals!

Get the Secret to Easy Weight Loss

Do you want to learn exactly how you can drop more weight and finally get into the shape you've always desired? Check out GetFitGetRight.com for more info on how you can get a flatter and sexier belly today!

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