The Importance of Exercise - Start Exercising Today!

Many of us do not like to admit it, but exercise is important for us for serious reasons. The fact is that many of us do not get nearly enough exercise. The main excuse that we use is that we are too busy to even contemplate exercising, and for some of us it may be true. However, we need to start giving priority to the most important aspect of our lives, and that is our physical and mental health. Let us face it, if we are physically unhealthy, it is highly unlikely that we will be able to work. The positive thing about exercise, is that we are able to see results relatively quickly, and the more we exercise, the more results we see.

Exercise as a weight management tool is extremely effective. At some point in our lives, we all get to a point where we feel we need to lose some weight.
The most effective exercises to reach these goals are primarily cardiovascular exercise, which includes aerobic exercises. The reason why these exercises work so well is because calories are burnt at a much higher rate. This is done by increasing the body's metabolism, which is a good thing for you, because it means that you can eat slightly more and not pick up extra weight. The heart rate is also increased during this period, which means that oxygen can be pumped to the various organs, thus allowing them to work more efficiently. Visceral body fat is eliminated, and the tummy can be tightened and flattened very quickly.

The more exercise that is done during your younger years, the better quality of life you will experience as you get older. Regular exercising reduces the risk of osteoporosis and also increases balance and flexibility. Studies have shown that all the people who exercised regularly, especially in their younger years, had a greatly reduced risk of fractures.

Other benefits from regular exercise include a reduced risk of arthritis, and lower blood pressure, and a reduction in risk of strokes and cardiovascular disease. There is also a mental benefit to regular exercise. During the course of exercising, chemicals such as endorphins are released into the brain. These endorphins act as a stimulant and result in a natural high. Another benefit of regular exercising is a reduction in stress and depression; it also increases self-esteem and leaves a person with a sense of peace.

As you can see, regular exercise is extremely important and very beneficial both physically and mentally. However, before embarking on your exercise routine, it is important to consult a doctor as well as training specialist. Your doctor will do a checkup and if there are any complications or you have a history of back problems, your doctor will recommend certain exercises as well as warn you of others that may be detrimental. The training specialist will work out an exercise routine for you that will allow you to extract maximum benefits for your health. Do yourself a favor; do not wait for the last-minute. Start exercising now, because the younger you start, the better off you will be.

One book that I found very interesting and highly recommend is the best selling book, "The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away", which is written by Dr Rashid Buttar. Here you will learn why we need exercise, the different kinds of exercise and how they relate to our bodies. In this book, Dr Buttar explains the chemical reactions that exercise causes in our bodies and how it affects the healing process.

For more information on the bestselling book by Dr Rashid Buttar, please visit:

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