5 Tips to Getting a Flat Stomach Fast

When it comes to losing weight, altering the appearance of a bulging stomach is usually high up on the list of priorities. Not only is it considered unsightly, but the health aspect of having a large waistline is also a factor.
With this is mind, here are 5 tips you can start on today that will help you get a flat stomach faster than you thought.

1) Eat the Right Food to Feel More Full

There are certain foods that make us feel more full than others, meaning you consume less to feel satisfied. By choosing these foods over those that don't do a good job of making you feel full, you start to eat less without even thinking about it. Food like doughnuts, chocolate and potato chips are amongst the least filling foods, whilst boiled potatoes and wholemeal bread are very good fillers.

2) Add Some Spice

Recent research has highlighted the power of spicy foods in battling obesity. Adding some hot chilli's or Tabasco sauce to your meal has been shown to increase your metabolism by up to 20% compared with a non spicy meal.

3) Pull The Gut In

One very easy way of getting a flatter looking stomach is to repeatedly pull it in. It works by exercising the transverse abdominus muscle, the muscle that helps pull in your stomach. Anyone can do this exercise at any time, just pull your belly button in towards you spine and hold for about 10 seconds whilst breathing normally. Then relax and repeat!

4) Get Your Beauty Sleep

Getting a good nights sleep is another way we can help keep the bulging tummy at bay. Not getting enough sleep causes a higher level of the stress hormone cortisol, which encourages the storing of fat around the middle. Also, as cortisol is at a natural low between 10pm and 2am, it makes this the best time to get quality sleep. So try to be in bed by 10pm and get a good 8 hours if you want to avoid an expanding waist.

5) Home Exercising

Getting some extra exercises whilst doing chores around the house is a good way to shift any extra pounds you are carrying. Whatever the chore you are doing, have a think about how you could turn it into a light workout at the same time. For example, when doing the ironing keep the basket of wrinkly clothes on the floor. This way you have to bend down and stretch every time you get another item of clothing to iron, helping you tone your stomach at the same time.

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