Smart Goal Setting For Exercise Success

We do it all the time. With the best of intentions, we decide we want to do something. It can be a very small task or a huge undertaking, but it often turns out the same - we don't change! We say we want to start doing home exercise videos and we even buy a few workouts and do them a few times. But more often than not, those workout videos start collecting dusk somewhere near our TV. So, how do you actually reach a goal successfully? How do we match what we say with what we are doing?
The Root Issue:

Before choosing a goal, it's important to have a clear picture of what you what and what you are willing to do about it. It's easy to say "I want to lose 50 pounds." But it's a lot harder to do what you need to do to get what you want! Ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Why do I want to lose weight? If weight loss is not your goal, substitute what you want. Now, really think about it. The answer has to be about you., it can't be how others would perceive you or what they would say when they saw you! Think about how your life would change if you achieved your goal. Think about how you would feel about what you achieved and how your lifestyle would be affected
  2. Why aren't I at my goal weight? Again, feel free to substitute an appropriate goal. When I answered this question I was shocked! I realized the biggest reason I wasn't at my goal weight was because I had developed the belief that everything else in my life was more important than my health. I had put my business before my health, my marriage and family and all my friends. Once I realized that, I was able to see how ridiculous that was. And from then on, I decided that I would give myself whatever I needed to be healthy and fit.
Access Your Current Situation Without Judging It

Most of us can access our current situation; we do it all the time. We look in the mirror and say "You have got to start exercising!" But what we fail to do is to be able to look at where we are without making it bad, ugly or wrong. For example, I started running about six months ago and quickly realized I was not a naturally gifted runner...a basic jog was incredibly challenging. I told my husband how frustrated I was about being such a slow runner. So he asked me to "access my running without judging my abilities." So, instead of saying I was a slow runner (which was a judgment) I started to say "I run a 13-minute mile" (which is a fact.) Once I was able to look at where I was, without criticizing my running, I was able to create a plan to get what I wanted - which was to run a 12-minute mile.

Chunk It Down

"Chunking it down" simply means to take a goal and create several smaller goals. By developing smaller goals that are quickly achievable, you will start to get the feeling of success - and there is nothing more motivating than success. Success breads success. Achieving goals creates momentum to get you future towards your goals. Lets say you're goal is to eat healthier. For the first week, instead of removing all your favorite foods from your daily life, simply ADD a few healthy foods to each day that you already like! If you like apples, for the first week, your goal would be to simply eat two apples every day.

The amazing thing is that once your behavior gets lined up with what you say you want you can start to see some great things happen! If you want to get fit and exercise more - by slowly changing your lifestyle to reflect what you say you want, the possibilities are endless! The choices are endless - you make the call. You are now in control of your life!

Pascale Vandenbroucke is the Creative Director of Workouts On Demand. They offer instant access to over 140 home exercise videos to download for only pennies a day. From yoga and pilates, to kickboxing and toning, to salsa aerobics and low impact, Workouts On Demand offers something for everyone.

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