t's natural that when people grow old their
body undergoes many changes. For instance they start experiencing a
decline in muscle mass or tend to gain extra weight in an unprecedented
manner. Another notable change associated with aging is a sharp decline
in metabolic rate.
Folks aged above 45 are known to perform poorly
as far as losing weight is concerned more so because their bodies are
adapted to storing carbs in the form of fats rather than using them to
create energy. As most old people are inactive, the threat of unwanted
fats forming around different parts of the body keeps growing day by
More fats piling below the skin and around essential organs such as the heart means a greater threat of stroke and heart attack.
that doesn't mean total defeat as there are several measures that one
can take to oppose the tide and keep losing weight way into old age.
How To Lose Weight When You Are Older Than 45
scientific studies have been conducted to establish some of the reasons
why aged people tend to gain weight faster than their younger
counterparts. Most health and fitness experts agree that uncontrolled
calorie intake, inactivity, smaller muscle mass, inability to exercise
and loss of flexibility are the most prevalent factors that discourage
sustainable weight loss among older folks.
To counter these, experts recommend that people take the following easy steps:
Caloric Intake Monitoring
old people have a slow metabolic rate, they don't need as many calories
as the young super-active folks. Aged people are therefore advised to
desist from taking alcohol, butter, candy and processed foods. Though
occasional treats are welcome, one is cautioned against overindulging.
Brief Walks
aged people tend to spend their days indoors engaging in little or no
physical roles - a feat that leads to lower energy demands and by
extension lower metabolic rates leading to accelerated weight gain. Such
people are advised to stay active and to take a brief walk everyday to
allow the blood to flow and to power up their metabolic rate.
Muscle Building
to the declining muscle mass, one is advised to engage in weight
lifting to stave off extreme physical changes. One however, need not
become a body builder.
Heart and Lung Conditioning
generally make one feel better, and aerobic workouts are good for heart
and lung conditioning. Old folks who've not been active for long are
advised to begin with light aerobic exercises (e.g jogging and swimming)
before proceeding to challenging ones.
Flexibility is vital
is an important part of weight loss yet most aged people tend to
stiffen up over years. As a basic measure to favor weight loss, one is
advised to engage in stretch routines and yoga so the body becomes used
to resisting tightness and tension.
In addition to following the above mentioned tips, one is advised
to try a newly discovered product that requires less effort from the
user and is friendly to the body - Garcinia Cambogia.
Watch this video to learn how you can lose weight if you are older than 45 with Garcinia Cambogia.
Watch this video to learn how you can lose weight if you are older than 45 with Garcinia Cambogia.
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