Weight Loss Exercises For Busy Women

The world in such a hurry these days that it takes everything we have to try to keep up with everybody's schedules. Between your job, the kids, and the house and it is near impossible to find time for exercise, right? Wrong! There are several weight loss exercises for busy women.

These weight loss exercises for busy women need to be done while you are already out and on the go. They may require you to take an extra five minutes but an extra five minutes of time is worth your health. If you are pressed for time this will motivate you to move faster.

The first weight loss exercise for busy women is park further from the entrance at your job and when shopping. While shopping walk the entire store or mall at a fast walking rate.
While if you stroll around the mall and window shop you are not getting the full advantage of walking for exercise.

If you use public transportation get off one or two stops before yours. Getting off one stop early will not take you that much extra time getting to work or home after work. Again move at a fast rate to get your heart rate up a little bit.

The second weight loss exercise for busy women is to take the steps instead of the elevator. If you park in a parking ramp or work in an office take the steps instead of the elevator. Walking up and down the stairs is a great exercise to work of some fat grams and calories. If you are only going one or two levels you might even beat the elevator with the waiting time you have waiting on the elevator.

If you work in a big city then walk to lunch. Take the sky ways to go get lunch. If you are not in a big city with skyways and nothing close you can still take part of your lunch period and walk the hallways at work after eating. Again on your way to lunch and back from lunch park further away from the entrance and walk.

The third weight loss exercise for busy women is to an active part in your kids activities. Are your kids in sports? While at the game watching your kid play walk around the field. You can walk around the field and still see your child play the game. You will already be up so you can jump around and cheer for your team. Dance around the kitchen with your kids. Take a walk with your kids. You take time for your kids each and every day so do something active with them.

By doing using these weight loss exercises for busy women you should get your 30 minutes of "move it" time each and every day without any problem.

Weight loss exercises for busy women is only a small part of losing weight though. You have to change your eating style also. You need to making changes to your eating habits and eating healthier. Believe it or not exercise is only 20% of the battle. Most people get enough exercise, it is the food we eat that makes us overweight.

Get more tips on weight loss for women here. These are tips that are often over looked and sometimes you do not even realize that you to these! Visit EasyDietingTips.com to find out how to lose weight and keep it off.

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