Low Impact Exercise To Stay Healthy

Low impact exercise is favored by those avoiding knee or joints pain as well as most people from the older age group. There is minimized risk to joints injuries. It can be just as beneficial compared to more strenuous exercises.

What are the choices of low impact workouts available to you?

Inexpensive and easy to do, walking is a great fat burner if done regularly. It is not strenuous and can be easily incorporated into your busy lifestyle. A quick walk round your block or from the station, walking briskly to the store or any chance to walk instead of drive will be a great help in burning the extra calories.

If you wish for a more vigorous workout, you can always try walking up a hill, fast paced walking or walking up the stairs.
Try to walk at least five days a week for 30 minutes each time to reap maximum benefits. If weather does not permit walking outdoors, there is the treadmill for walking indoors.

Swimming is another recommended low impact workout. Involving the whole body, the water acts as a support for your body, reducing any big impact on your joints. If you love aerobics but find the usual workouts too strenuous, then water aerobics would be your perfect choice of a workout routine. There is hardly any pressure on your joints. The only disadvantage being that you need access to a pool.

The elliptical workouts are designed for both lower and upper body workouts minus the injuries from force on your joints. With feet never leaving the pedals, and arms moving the handlebars in rhythm with your feet, your whole body gets a complete workout. This can be easily done in the comfort of home if you have a home elliptical trainer.

Going out for a bicycle ride or riding your stationary bike indoors offers another great option for a low impact workout. Riding outdoors will of course be more challenging with its uphill, downhill routes or other obstacles. Always make sure you have protective gears on to avoid serious injuries in case of accidents.

Yoga has been practiced in India since ancient times. It is low impact and stresses a lot on stretching exercises, posture, breathing techniques and meditation. Your posture and balance improves, your body becomes more flexible after several rounds of yoga.

It is still possible to lose weight and stay in shape with these low impact exercises. Work faster to raise your heart rate for at least 20 minutes to improve your strength and cardiovascular function. Make use of these various options to have more meaningful fitness workouts and goals.

Elliptical workouts provide an easy solution for total body, low impact workouts right in the comfort of home.

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